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  • Emmanuel

    17 janvier 2025 à 13h33 en réponse à: Affichage carte sur téléphone android

    Salut @R3dKap et merci pour ton aide.

    L’erreur était de mon côté, et j’ai oublié d’actualiser ce post.
    Ma page desktop est composée de la map, pour 2/3 de la page et d’une galerie/liste de clients pour le tiers restant. L’application ayant été développée en mode responsive j’avais mis en place un ‘masquage’ de la partie galerie (container différent de la partie map) basée sur la propriété ‘visible’ dans une instruction ‘switch’ :

    Switch (
    ScreenSize.ExtraLarge; true;

    Bizarrement, en affichage mobile, ça empechait l’affichage de la carte (qui est pourtant dans un autre container et qui n’était donc à priori pas concerné par la déclaration….).

  • @Benjamin : je ne peux malheureusement pas t’aider.
    Je n’ai pas mis la tête dedans 😉
    Mais je te remercie pour l’exemple cité dont tu t’es inspiré. C’est épatant !

  • Emmanuel

    12 novembre 2024 à 14h03 en réponse à: Conversion .csv to .xlsx

    Très étrange.
    J’ai repris un flux (quasi) identique à celui de ta réponse. Je suis parti du même fichier ‘export_societes_test.csv’. Voilà ce qu j’obtiens :

    eet pourtant l’action ‘Obtenir le contenu du fichier’ semble bien paramétrée…..

    Est-ce que tu paramètres ton action ‘Initialiser la variable’ comme suit ? :

    • Cette réponse a été modifiée Il y a 2 mois, 1 semaine par  Emmanuel.
    • Cette réponse a été modifiée Il y a 2 mois, 1 semaine par  Emmanuel.
  • Emmanuel

    12 novembre 2024 à 10h54 en réponse à: Conversion .csv to .xlsx

    Mon fichier CSV est généré depuis l’application Sage 50.
    Il s’agit bien d’un fichier csv et non d’un fichier Excel. Je l’ouvre en tant que tel dans Sublime Text.
    Il est encodé Windows 1252 avec fins de lignes Windows.
    S’agissant d’un export de fichier clients, et donc avec une notion de confidentialité, je t’ai joint un exemple à une seule ligne, juste pour voir comment est constitué le fichier exporté.

    Pour moi, ça n’est pas le fond du problème. Power Automate indique explicitement qu’à l’action ‘obtenir le contenu du fichier’ Power Automate reçoit un objet type tableau et non une chaîne de caractères…..

    Ci-joint le lien vers le pdf : export_societes_test.csv

  • Emmanuel

    7 novembre 2024 à 22h20 en réponse à: Conversion .csv to .xlsx

    Ci-joint une capture (on n’y voit pas tout). J’ai réduit le flux au maximum (à obtenir le contenu du fichier).
    Voilà ce que j’obtiens en $content :

    <div>À priori il s’agit bien de contenu en base 64 qu’il faut convertir en binaire….</div>
    <div> </div>

    • Cette réponse a été modifiée Il y a 2 mois, 1 semaine par  Emmanuel.
  • Emmanuel

    6 novembre 2024 à 23h32 en réponse à: Conversion .csv to .xlsx

    Merci @R3dKap.
    Non pas vraiment. Je bloque toujours sur mon action ‘Message/Compose’ qui applique la fonction base64ToString à l’action ‘obtenir le contenu du fichier’ où je lis mon csv. J’obtiens un message d’erreur qui m’indique que "The template language function 'base64ToString' expects its parameter to be a string. The provided value is of type 'Object'".....

  • Emmanuel

    4 novembre 2024 à 9h53 en réponse à: Comment Convertir un fichier CSV en fichier XLSX sur un SharePoint

    Bonjour @Charline,

    je me permets de ‘déterrer’ ton post. Je suis dans la même problématique que toi.
    J’exporte un csv depuis un logiciel de la gamme Sage – Gestion commerciale et je cherche à convertir le csv exporté sur un espace ‘Documents partagés – Sharepoint’ dans un format .xlsx pour l’utiliser dans Power Apps. Comment as-tu réussi à solutionner ton pbme ?

    Mille merci d’avance.

  • Emmanuel

    30 octobre 2024 à 11h26 en réponse à: Envoi mail lors de la modification d’un élément Sharepoint

    @Laurent : je me permets de déterrer ce (pas si) vieux post.
    J’aimerai utiliser la même fonction. J’ai bien trouvé l’id du document sharepoint auquel je souhaite l’appliquer mais je n’ai pas idée de ce qui est attendu dans le champ ‘Depuis’….
    Aurais-tu des infos ?

  • Emmanuel

    28 octobre 2024 à 10h01 en réponse à: Propriété DisplayMode sur composant

    Merci @Alexandre,
    j’avais essayé cette piste.

    Ce que je cherche à faire : J’ai un écran qui affiche à la fois une liste de clients et une map avec la localisation de ces clients. J’aimerais que quand un point/client est selectionné sur la carte on accède à l’écran ‘Fiche client’ (comme c’est le cas depuis la liste client/galerie à gauche sur la carte).
    Au dessus de ma carte j’ai placé 2 boutons. L’un (celui de gauche) est mon composant. L’autre (celui sur lequel est inscrit ’bouton’) est un bouton classique PowerApps.
    Pour chacun d’entre eux, je teste si un item est selectionné sur la carte et, en fonction, j’active mon bouton. Ce qui fonctionne sur le bouton ‘classique’ via la propriété ‘DisplayMode’ ne fonctionne pas sur mon composant……

    Si tu as une piste, je suis preneur.

  • Emmanuel

    17 octobre 2024 à 13h44 en réponse à: Power Apps suur Google Chrome

    Voilà ce que me dis la console :

    make.powerapps.com/:1 Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.

    t.createHiddenIframe @ main.0b345695.js:2
    /auth#error=login_required&error_description=AADSTS50058%3a+A+silent+sign-in+request+was+sent+but+none+of+the+currently+signed+in+user(s)+match+the+requested+login+hint.+Trace+ID%3a+a8a5665a-5e36-478c-ab0c-1b2575fb3200+Correlation+ID%3a+7c25d745-ae6c-47e7-a401-1211f34b2208+Timestamp%3a+2024-10-17+11%3a40%3a59Z&error_uri=https%3a%2f%2flogin.microsoftonline.com%2ferror%3fcode%3d50058&state=eyJpZCI6ImE3YzFhNDQ1LWIxMmEtNGUxZC05ZWZhLTFhNDA4OTlmZTdkZCIsIm1ldGEiOnsiaW50ZXJhY3Rpb25UeXBlIjoic2lsZW50In19:1 An iframe which has both allow-scripts and allow-same-origin for its sandbox attribute can escape its sandboxing.

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 ()
    An iframe which has both allow-scripts and allow-same-origin for its sandbox attribute can escape its sandboxing.
    t.createHiddenIframe @ main.0b345695.js:2
    /auth-redirect.html#error=login_required&error_description=AADSTS50058%3a+A+silent+sign-in+request+was+sent+but+none+of+the+currently+signed+in+user(s)+match+the+requested+login+hint.+Trace+ID%3a+50d93f4c-fbae-492a-ae9c-70cd0bf92300+Correlation+ID%3a+dac12f50-81a0-4851-8b12-742c8da83499+Timestamp%3a+2024-10-17+11%3a41%3a01Z&error_uri=https%3a%2f%2flogin.microsoftonline.com%2ferror%3fcode%3d50058&state=eyJpZCI6IjA2OTIyY2M4LWI1ZDMtNGE1OS1hZWVjLTY3YzVkNGM0MGIxYiIsIm1ldGEiOnsiaW50ZXJhY3Rpb25UeXBlIjoic2lsZW50In19:1 An iframe which has both allow-scripts and allow-same-origin for its sandbox attribute can escape its sandboxing.
    make.powerapps.com/:1 Uncaught (in promise) Error: promptUserToResolveError has not been set. Did you forget to call setPromptForUserToResolveError?
    at main.0b345695.js:2:1170231
    at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
    at m (main.0b345695.js:2:1165252)
    at a (main.0b345695.js:2:1165455)
    at main.0b345695.js:2:1165514
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at main.0b345695.js:2:1165395
    at D (main.0b345695.js:2:1170384)
    at M (main.0b345695.js:2:1170111)
    at main.0b345695.js:2:1169486
    Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
    Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
    Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
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    Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.

    • Emmanuel

      17 octobre 2024 à 13h46 en réponse à: Power Apps suur Google Chrome

      Voilà ce que me dis la console :

      make.powerapps.com/:1 Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.

      Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 ()
      An iframe which has both allow-scripts and allow-same-origin for its sandbox attribute can escape its sandboxing.
      t.createHiddenIframe @ main.0b345695.js:2
      /auth#error=login_required&error_description=AADSTS50058%3a+A+silent+sign-in+request+was+sent+but+none+of+the+currently+signed+in+user(s)+match+the+requested+login+hint.+Trace+ID%3a+a8a5665a-5e36-478c-ab0c-1b2575fb3200+Correlation+ID%3a+7c25d745-ae6c-47e7-a401-1211f34b2208+Timestamp%3a+2024-10-17+11%3a40%3a59Z&error_uri=https%3a%2f%2flogin.microsoftonline.com%2ferror%3fcode%3d50058&state=eyJpZCI6ImE3YzFhNDQ1LWIxMmEtNGUxZC05ZWZhLTFhNDA4OTlmZTdkZCIsIm1ldGEiOnsiaW50ZXJhY3Rpb25UeXBlIjoic2lsZW50In19:1 An iframe which has both allow-scripts and allow-same-origin for its sandbox attribute can escape its sandboxing.

      Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 ()
      An iframe which has both allow-scripts and allow-same-origin for its sandbox attribute can escape its sandboxing.
      t.createHiddenIframe @ main.0b345695.js:2
      /auth-redirect.html#error=login_required&error_description=AADSTS50058%3a+A+silent+sign-in+request+was+sent+but+none+of+the+currently+signed+in+user(s)+match+the+requested+login+hint.+Trace+ID%3a+50d93f4c-fbae-492a-ae9c-70cd0bf92300+Correlation+ID%3a+dac12f50-81a0-4851-8b12-742c8da83499+Timestamp%3a+2024-10-17+11%3a41%3a01Z&error_uri=https%3a%2f%2flogin.microsoftonline.com%2ferror%3fcode%3d50058&state=eyJpZCI6IjA2OTIyY2M4LWI1ZDMtNGE1OS1hZWVjLTY3YzVkNGM0MGIxYiIsIm1ldGEiOnsiaW50ZXJhY3Rpb25UeXBlIjoic2lsZW50In19:1 An iframe which has both allow-scripts and allow-same-origin for its sandbox attribute can escape its sandboxing.
      make.powerapps.com/:1 Uncaught (in promise) Error: promptUserToResolveError has not been set. Did you forget to call setPromptForUserToResolveError?
      at main.0b345695.js:2:1170231
      at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
      at m (main.0b345695.js:2:1165252)
      at a (main.0b345695.js:2:1165455)
      at main.0b345695.js:2:1165514
      at new Promise (<anonymous>)
      at main.0b345695.js:2:1165395
      at D (main.0b345695.js:2:1170384)
      at M (main.0b345695.js:2:1170111)
      at main.0b345695.js:2:1169486
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
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      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
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      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
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      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.
      Chrome is moving towards a new experience that allows users to choose to browse without third-party cookies.

      Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 ()
      An iframe which has both allow-scripts and allow-same-origin for its sandbox attribute can escape its sandboxing. > Serait-ce un réglage sécurité trop restrictif dans Chrome qui pose ce problème ?

  • Emmanuel

    17 octobre 2024 à 10h57 en réponse à: Power Apps suur Google Chrome

    Encore merci @R3dKap de prendre le temps….
    La piste des extensions ne donne pas de meilleurs résultats.
    Par contre l’url make.preview.powerapps.com m’affiche bien la page 😔

  • Emmanuel

    17 octobre 2024 à 9h49 en réponse à: Power Apps suur Google Chrome

    @R3dKap : Classiquement je pars de office.com, puis je clique sur “Power Apps” dans mes raccourcis en colonne gauche, ce qui me permet d’accéder à ma page d’accueil Power Apps et, à fortiori, d’accéder à la liste de mes applications. Le même processus sur Edge ne pose aucun problème.
    Si j’essaie d’accéder directement à l’url make.powerapps.com ça ne fonctionne pas non plus, toujours la même page blanche….

    • Cette réponse a été modifiée Il y a 3 mois par  Emmanuel.
  • Emmanuel

    16 octobre 2024 à 10h19 en réponse à: Power Apps suur Google Chrome

  • Emmanuel

    15 octobre 2024 à 11h27 en réponse à: Power Apps suur Google Chrome

    @R3dKap : oui, ça ne change rien. Toujours cette foutue page blanche.

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